Glycol & Antifreeze Products
Hydratech’s high performance glycol and antifreeze solutions are formulated to maximise CoP via a comprehensive understanding of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics.
More about Glycol & Antifreeze ProductsSystems that have not been properly maintained are particularly at risk, or those that have been altered or upgraded (as it may be difficult to evaluate the quality and protection qualities of the water). Often, cooling systems are topped up with uninhibited water, resulting in a dilution of the antifreeze and inhibitors.
Incorrect glycol levels at this time of year can impact hugely on any cooling system, potential issues include:
If freezing water is left to expand past the diameter of condenser pipes, the internal pressure will cause them to rupture. As well as the potential repair costs, many firms are forced to close down for days or even weeks.
Not only can a water leak cause damage to property, stock and assets, but the interruption to the day-to-day business operations can have devastating financial consequences.
Many chiller manufacturers will discredit their warranties if you have not maintained the correct levels of glycol in chilled systems - resulting in the warranty for your equipment being voided.
Pumps will have to work harder to push water through the pipes, as the water starts to freeze in the system. The decrease in flow velocity will reduce production and increase operational costs.
The two major types of glycol used in chilled water and closed loop systems are Ethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol. Ethylene glycol offers the most efficient heat transfer, is significantly less viscous than PG and unit cost is usually lower. The main drawback however is its toxicity to humans and animals.
Propylene glycol was developed to replace Ethylene Glycol for use in food and beverage processing systems or where there is a requirement for a non-toxic classification. PG has a much lower capacity for efficient heat transfer, compared with Ethylene Glycol based mixtures - It is also much more viscous at low temperatures and thus provides more of a challenge to pump.
In 2010 Hydratech added Coolflow DTX® to their range of process cooling fluids. DTX is a high-performance non-toxic heat transfer fluid that is based on ethylene glycol, blended with a detoxification additive. The game changing fluid combines the thermal efficiency and low viscosity associated to ethylene glycol, with the non-toxic rating of propylene glycol. The list of DTX adopters is now extensive and includes Arla Foods, Mϋller Dairy, Waitrose, Airbus, Siemens and BrewDog.
Selecting the correct type and concentration of glycol is very important. The glycol type should already be known and recorded in the commissioning documents or maintenance logs for your systems. Hydratech Services can assist with glycol determination analysis if it is not known – it is especially important to verify this for food or beverage process applications.
Too much glycol or too high a % will cause system inefficiencies through reduced heat transfer ability and pumping capacity. Not enough glycol or too low a % can lead to the expensive freeze-ups previously mentioned and can become susceptible to biological fouling.
Typically, external systems susceptible to freezing over winter months will need anti-freeze protection down to the lowest expected ambient temperature, with some margin advised for safety of +10%* (*Lowest temps ever recorded in UK -26.1°C - January 1982).
As an average between EG & PG - having differing levels of freeze protection per percentage - an installed concentration of 40% v/v (glycol by volume in water) will give you frost protection down to -25°C.
High glycol concentrations can impact system efficiency and a trade off exists between anti-freeze protection and year-round performance and COP. Some therefore choose to run with glycol/antifreeze over winter months and plain water when the risk of ambient freezing is no longer an issue.
To prevent internal corrosion, scaling and biological fouling year-round, it is recommended that the glycol is fully inhibited and monitored every 6 months. Hydratech recommend a minimum concentration for their inhibited glycols of 25% v/v – this would provide a freeze protection average of -10°C. For more information on glycol concentrations, types or fluid testing to verify condition and frost protection, email: or call 01792 586800
Regular analysis can extend the life of both fluid and system. Hydratech’s Fluid Monitoring Program (FMP) is a very straight forward, effective way to proactively monitor closed-loop system condition.
Hydratech’s high performance glycol and antifreeze solutions are formulated to maximise CoP via a comprehensive understanding of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics.
More about Glycol & Antifreeze ProductsIf you need help or advice on selecting the most suitable product for your needs call one of our sales engineers today. With experience across many industry sectors we can help you find the most cost effective solution whilst meeting all your technical re
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