• More volume needed to achieve required freeze protection temperature.
  • Reduced thermal conductivity, reduces the rate of heat transfer.
  • Greater pumping losses due to increased dynamic and kinematic viscosity.
  • Lower density, reduces the rate of heat transfer.
  • More expensive per kilo and per litre.
  • Larger compressors, pumps and pipes, increasing capex.

Coolflow DTX® exhibits very similar heat transfer and pumping characteristics to ethylene glycol and provides >10% additional efficiency and output, when compared with Propylene Glycol.

A study performed by Star Technical Services, based on a system designed and installed by Star Refrigeration, confirmed various improvements in performance, ranging from 7% to 13%. The same study also confirmed that, specifying Coolflow DTX® at the design stage could result in a >10% reduction of heat-exchanger and compressor size.

Arla Oakthorpe Dairy converted to Coolflow DTX® in 2011 which facilitated several engineering (pipe-work) upgrades and an overall energy saving of 17%.

At the time of writing the list of Coolflow DTX® glycol chiller installations has risen beyond 7,000 including thousands of food and beverage systems.

In conclusion it would be reasonable to state, that Coolflow DTX® now provides all designers, specifiers and operators of glycol chillers the potential to improve output efficiency and reduce operating costs.

For a copy of the report prepared by Star Technical Services and/or a copy of the complete DTX Dossier, please call 01792 586800 or email info@hydratech.co.uk.