DTX Products
DTX glycol hybrids have been especially formulated to exploit the advantages Ethylene Glycol has over Propylene Glycol, whilst delivering a non-toxic solution.
More about DTX ProductsMany market-leading companies in the food and beverage sector (and other applications where non-toxicity is a requirement) have made significant system efficiency, performance and energy saving gains by moving from propylene glycol to DTX. Here are 7 reasons why it’s time to consider the switch.
1. Reduced energy consumption
As previously mentioned Coolflow DTX® has very similar heat transfer and pumping characteristics to ethylene glycol. Comprehensive testing by Star Technical Services verified that DTX reduced energy costs by over 10% (tests were based on relatively low 2015 energy costs, so making a switch to DTX is even more favourable when factoring in today’s energy prices).
Customers have reported improved performance and efficiency gains, alongside considerable energy/cost/CO2 savings after retrofitting existing systems - moving from propylene glycol to DTX. Arla Foods has seen a 17% reduction in energy consumed by the main coolant circulation pumps and process cooling systems after moving to Coolflow DTX®.
2. More cost effective per gallon than propylene glycol
Propylene glycol prices have fluctuated dramatically over the last 3 years. Contributing factors included extreme weather conditions, a global pandemic, and logistical chaos. While propylene glycol prices have stabilised in recent months, sharp price rises have been reported in the US, following constant demand from the end-user pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic sectors.
The cost saving benefits of dosing a new or existing system (retrofit) with DTX are particularly favourable in the current economic climate. For example - given the current rates - a potential saving of over 60% could be made if DTX replaced propylene glycol in a proposed 5,300 Gallon system (protected to 5°F).
3. Reducing capital expenditure cost (CAPEX) at concept design phase
As well as utilising the performance benefits of Coolflow DTX®, customers such as Ocado, Lidl and global logistics leaders DHL have designed their refrigeration systems with Coolflow DTX® in mind, allowing them to make considerable savings in hardware and capital expenditure.
Where DTX is specified at the design stage, savings can be achieved through downsizing of:
• Primary gas compressors
• Heat exchangers
• Circulation pumps & motors
• Pipework diameter and length
The smaller systems and plant footprints onsite also provide significant operating cost and energy savings.
4. Endorsed by market leaders
The list of Coolflow DTX® adopters is now extensive and includes a host of well-known companies from the food and beverage sectors including, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Haribo, Diageo, Molson Coors, Papa John's Pizza, McCain and BrewDog. DTX based coolants are also used in a variety of industrial and commercial sectors, where non-toxicity and low environmental impact are high priorities. End users and contractors from these sectors include, Honeywell Aerospace, Aggreko (Temperature Control Division), Daikin, BMW, Siemens, Mercedes, GE Aviation and AMEC.
5. Core cost reductions
As well as the reduction in energy consumed, Arla have also reported a noticeable reduction in running time and load on their primary refrigerant compressors, which they believe will considerably prolong the life span of their system.
Other cost reductions are achieved by:
• Increasing speed of heat transfer and production process
• Improving Coefficients of Performance
• Minimising compressor loading and running hours
6. 15 years of industry proven success
For over 25 years, Hydratech have been assisting the food and beverage industry with fluid selection - utilising over 100 years combined experience in all aspects of cooling and heating applications.
Coolflow DTX® has been specified and installed in thousands of RAC, HVAC and glycol chiller systems, including; process cooling, blast freezing, refrigeration and air conditioning applications. For over 15 years, leading refrigeration specialists such as J&E Hall, GEA and Star Refrigeration have been utilizing the operating benefits of DTX, to improve chilled water (CHW) system efficiency, save energy and minimise unplanned maintenance.
7. Comprehensive protection against corrosion, scale, and biological fouling
Preventing corrosion and bacterial contamination in chilled water systems is essential if operating efficiency is to be maximised, and costly maintenance issues are to be minimised. It would be easy to assume all glycol-based antifreeze solutions provide the same fluid and system protection, however, that is not the case.
Coolflow DTX® is formulated with multi-metal and multi-function inhibitors, which exceed ASTM & BS corrosion standards. The formulation provides comprehensive long-term protection against corrosion, scaling, and biological fouling, helping to improve chiller efficiency, reduce maintenance and extend chiller system life.
If you need help or advice on selecting the most suitable product for your needs call one of our sales engineers today. With experience across many industry sectors we can help you find the most cost effective solution whilst meeting all your technical re
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