Hydratech FMS division provides specialist engineering and maintenance services to customers installing, commissioning, operating or optimising large cooling and heating systems.
More about Hydratech ServicesA range of fully inhibited heat transfer fluids with antifreeze function, for use in all glycol chiller applications. Launched in 2010, non-toxic Coolflow DTX® represents a major step forward in heat transfer and pumping efficiency, providing >10% reduction in operating costs when compared with Propylene Glycol based fluids.
Many supermarkets have adopted heat recovery to help them achieve their efficiency and sustainability objectives. Hydratech products (glycols, inhibitors and cleansers) are used in numerous heat recovery systems by the UK’s leading supermarket chains.
Hydratech’s team of sales engineers, chemists and analysts can assist with all aspects of heat transfer fluid performance, running costs, environmental impact, compatibility, and energy efficiency. The Fluid Management Services (FMS) team of experienced, highly skilled engineers provide 24-7 technical support across the UK, ensuring compliance and peace of mind for commercial, industrial or process systems.
For supermarket cooling applications, Hydratech recommend the products listed below.