As with all ‘revolutionary’ discoveries the subsequent implementation of DTX technology has taken several years to achieve. The advantage of which is; to provide all users and potential users the time needed to verify the credentials and performance of Coolflow DTX®, Thermaflow DTX® etc. However, the foresight and decisiveness shown by Arla Dairies – the first blue chip adopter of Coolflow DTX® in 2010 - will always remain an important watershed.

The current list of those using DTX products is now extensive and contains many high-profile multinationals. For reasons of confidentiality (GDPR etc.) that list of end-users can be provided on a ‘case by case’ basis.

For further information on the DTX range or to obtain a copy of the DTX Dossier please call 01792 586800 or email to

To see our range of DTX products click here.